
LikeFishing Pro Review – Read This Before Buying Mini Expandable Fishing Rod

LikeFishing Pro is a collapsible fishing rod that measures only about 7 inches long but expands to the length of a full-size one. The device is easy to set up, works in many types of waters, and helps the most adventurous of anglers.

What is LikeFishing Pro?

Taking an afternoon to go fishing could not be more relaxing for anyone who enjoys the great outdoors. The leisurely wait for even the slightest nibble allows the fisherman to take a moment and appreciate nature, blending in with the natural cycle of life. Unfortunately, planning an entire fishing trip requires a lot of equipment plus an assortment of the right tackles. When someone has a lot of travel planned, sneaking in a quick fishing session is hard. With all their luggage, it doesn’t leave them with much packing room to bring cumbersome gear.

Rather than going a little fishing altogether, consumers might want to consider finding a way to condense how much they need to bring. Adding the LikeFishing Pro fishing rod to their luggage allows them to be ready at a moment’s notice without taking up a lot of space in their suitcase or duffel bag. When fully collapsed, it only measures 20 cm long, leaving plenty of room for all the other things consumers need to take with them in their day. They can even keep this as a helpful fishing rod when they don’t have a lot of space in their home for all of their gear.

However, LikeFishing Pro is more than just a short fishing rod that can be extended. Instead, it offers a compact and lightweight way to bring this special hobby anywhere. Though it looks like a pen when the cap is on, it takes only a few moments to convert it into a strong fishing rod that can handle even the most advanced river and ice fishing. This fishing rod doesn’t skimp on how far it can be cast because it comes with a 100m line and spinning reel. Even with its aluminum metal shell and epoxy shaft, it still weighs less than half a pound.

Spending a day fishing, or even a couple of hours, shouldn’t require consumers to bring an entire car filled with gear for the chance of catching a carp that they throw back. Fishing should be enjoyable and productive simultaneously, even if someone only has a little time to enjoy it. They can always pick up bait, snacks, or even a rental boat along the way, but having a fishing rod they can depend on whenever the urge to fish strikes can help make these days possible.

Since the LikeFishing Pro fishing rod is only available for a limited time, consumers who want free delivery and a 50% discount must purchase it as soon as possible.

Order LikeFishing Pro

The best way to purchase LikeFishing Pro is through the official website. Instead of paying the total price, consumers can get a special offer that takes 50% off the regular cost. With discounts for consumers who buy multiple LikeFishing Pros in their order, consumers can stock up on five at a fraction of the cost.

Choose from:

  • Order one LikeFishing Pro for $59
  • Order two LikeFishing Pros for $89
  • Order three LikeFishing Pros for $109
  • Order four LikeFishing Pros for $129
  • Order five LikeFishing Pros for $149

For a limited time, which is most likely the amount of time that users have left on this 50% discount, free shipping is available for every order. Consumers who want to add a three-year warranty can check the corresponding box on the ordering page, which will cost an additional $5 on their order.

Frequently Asked Questions About LikeFishing Pro

Q: What is LikeFishing Pro?

A: This device is a portable and lightweight fishing rod that consumers can take on many types of fishing trips.

Q: What is LikeFishing Pro made of?

A: To create a long-lasting fishing rod, it is made from an aluminum metal shell and epoxy shaft.

Q: What kind of fishing can LikeFishing Pro handle?

A: Since this fishing rod is so strong, the creators recommend using it during the most adventurous fishing excursions, including in rivers and on ice.

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Q: What is the size range of LikeFishing Pro?

A: At its smallest, the LikeFishing Pro fishing rod only measures 20 cm (7.9 inches). At its full length, it can reach 100 cm (39.3 inches).

Q: How much does LikeFishing Pro weigh?

A: This fishing rod weighs only 198 grams, or almost 7 ounces, to ensure it is easy to carry around.

Q: What is the return policy for LikeFishing Pro?

A: If the user has a defective or damaged product, they have up to 2 years to request a refund from the creators. For all other reasons, they will need to coordinate a returned material authorization number with the customer service team no more than 30 days after the purchase. To learn more, consumers can contact the customer service team by sending an e-mail to support@g63com.com. The team can also be reached by calling + 65 316 583 89.


LikeFishing Pro allows any fishing enthusiast to enjoy their favorite hobby with a more compact fishing rod. The creators offer free delivery, an inexpensive extended warranty, and up to five fishing rods per package. Consumers can extend this fishing rod up to 39 inches, allowing them to cast precisely where they want. It is strong and can withstand many types of water, making it the perfect companion for any adventurous fisherman. There is a short return window, but all of these features of LikeFishing Pro offer benefits that other fishing rods do not.

Perfect for any fishing trip. Get LikeFishing Pro today!


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