The defeated rose to complain after the new council majority, lead by Mayor Andy Rheaume, stood up to the pro-development community and fired city manager Bob Stowe. To any who have regularity attended council meetings the numerous questionable accusations were unbelievable coming from the former mayor Freed, former councilman [Bill] Evans, losing council candidate Roz Gorc, business owner Leigh Henderson (a major supporter of the former council and the defeated so called “Parks Bond”) and all their supporters.
After being allowed to talk at an unscheduled time for public comment they all quickly left the council chambers. They should have stayed for the rest of the meeting. They would have learned that there is multitude of very important issues to address for which there is no money for now and many years in the future.
I do not believe that Bothell citizens are anti development but under Bob Stowe and the former city council, development and the expensive new city hall became the higher priority than the many important needs the City has. The citizens after years recognized what the problem was and voted in the much needed new majority on the council.
John O. Carpenter, Bothell