Still concerned about power outages in Kenmore | Letter

As a resident of Kenmore, I share Larisa Lindemann's concerns (Bothell-Kenmore Reporter, July 15) regarding the number of power outages we endure in Kenmore.

As a resident of Kenmore, I share Larisa Lindemann’s concerns (Bothell-Kenmore Reporter, July 15) regarding the number of power outages we endure in Kenmore.

I wrote to you about it several months ago. Here it is, not even the end of July, and I am already thinking about re-stocking presto logs – fortunately I currently live in a unit with a fireplace – and making sure to have on hand additional batteries for lamps and some canned food that can be eaten cold.

Whenever the news reports that major wind storms are on the way, I get that dreaded feeling in the pit of my stomach because it surely spells power outages for PSE customers.

The building I live in has heavy hallway doors that slam shut when the power goes out. First, that makes it extremely difficult to push them open to exit, and second, it plunges the hallways into darkness. Of course I have flashlights, but taking a dog out in such a situation several times a day becomes extremely difficult. We also have elevators, but of course, they are non-operational as Ms. Lindemann remarked. The amount of food that I have thrown out during the multitude of power outages is so wasteful, and I can only imagine what kind of waste the nearby businesses have that sell food, let alone the cost to them in revenue when they are completely shut down.

This year, we have even more folks moving into Kenmore so that means a whole lot more people without power than last year and the year before that.

What is PSE doing, if anything, to reduce these power outages?

Pamela Clerico, Kenmore