Schoolhouse, history walk keep past alive

History is alive in Bothell and Kenmore.

History is alive in Bothell and Kenmore.

Just this past weekend, a moving crew transported the 106-year-old North Creek Schoolhouse from its former spot on 31st Avenue Southeast to a new location at Centennial Park on 208th Street Southeast in Bothell. You probably didn’t see the action — it happened between 11 p.m. and 6 a.m. Friday and Saturday — but folks were awake and keeping that piece of Bothell history intact while you were sleeping. Let’s hope the schoolhouse stands tall for another 106 years — and more.

Last month, the Kenmore Heritage Society unveiled its history walk at Log Boom Park. Take a stroll down there and revisit the past through old photographs and articles. Some of the buildings in the walk still stand today, and it’s fascinating to leave the park and drive up Northeast Bothell Way and pick them out on your journey. Who knew that the Cozy Inn tavern used to be quite a hamburger haven back in the 1920s and ’30s?

And then there’s the brown historical street signs that are hooked on to the current green ones. In Kenmore, 61st Avenue Northeast used to be called Cat Whisker’s Road. In Bothell, Festival Street — which points toward City Hall — is today known as 101st Avenue Northeast.

History buffs out there must be grinning at their old photographs and newspaper clippings, but how does the younger set feel about, say, a 106-year-old schoolhouse still standing today?

Yes, times do change, but we must also look to the past to see where we once stood and all the hard work it took to get where were are today. It didn’t just happen overnight and with the wave of a magic wand. People struggled through tough times, and they enjoyed many good times, as well, in shaping the Northshore area and beyond.

It’s interesting to look back and imagine what life was like for students in the year 1902. Hey kids, no iPods, cell phones, Guitar Hero or even televisions. Just kids hanging out with kids, fishing, playing ball, whatever it took to have a good time.

So take a walk over to Centennial Park and — when it’s open to the public — check out the school and think about the kids who studied there and what they were like 106 years ago. They probably weren’t much different than you — kids trying to make friends and enjoy their youth.

And 106 years from now, people will wonder about us, as well.