Offensive words according to Seattle civil rights office | Cartoon for Aug. 12
Democrats in the state House of Representatives triggered quite a political storm this year with their plan to raise billions of dollars for transportation by, among other means, hiking the gas tax by a dime a gallon.
The Boy Scouts of America leadership has announced that it will ban obese members from participating in this year’s national Jamboree, a gathering taking place every four years that includes a number of physically demanding activities, including rock-climbing, whitewater rafting, mountain-biking and strenuous hiking trips. The newly imposed fitness requirements potentially eliminate a growing number of overweight young scouts from such events.
Health experts have long warned that a sedentary lifestyle can contribute to a number of diseases and even shorten people’s lifespan.
All of our kids experience pain and trauma at some point in their life.
I remember the night I stood at the Yokosuka Naval Base in Japan and looked up at my command ship, the USS Blue Ridge, or what we seamen referred to as “The Blue Cruiser.”
What is the difference between … | Cartoon for July 31
I don’t miss the Blue Angels a bit | Cartoon for Aug. 4
Differing views from around the state | Cartoon for July 30
Time flies, whether we have fun or not. Time also seems to pass more quickly as we age.
In 2008, Congress authorized a test project to determine whether increasing monetary incentives would improve the eating habits and subsequently the overall nutritional health of low-income families.
Words we will never hear … | Cartoon for Aug. 3
Who starts most of the fires in Washington State? | Cartoon for July 29
As a child, my mother taught me many popular sayings. One of them was: “Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper.” That was back in London, England, where I grew up.
Those wondering what public school teachers do all day are going to get an answer.
When I took over as assistant editor I drove through Bothell and Kenmore with a critical eye.
It is a well-known fact that immigrants to the United States tend to adapt to our eating habits rather quickly, which is not always to their advantage from a health perspective.
Department of Transportation workers | Cartoon for July 21
Pacific Northwest Ballet vs. Light Rail | Cartoon for July 17
Why where you cut the budget matters | Cartoon for July 20