Education in this state, as in so many other states across this nation, is suffering from a plethora of problems. Among them are lack of appropriate and effectively focused funding, together with the unwillingness to objectively address the many operational issues hamstringing efforts to improve the delivery of first class education to our students.
As Dawn McCravey has pointed out, the present incumbent. Senator McCauliffe, has been either unable or unwilling to address these issues. Good intentions are not enough and it is time for a change in leadership. The status quo simply will not produce the needed improvements. Dawn McCravey is well placed to bring about the changes needed to improve our education system. Her record as an experienced school board member and involvement in all aspects of the school/community relationship is outstanding, her dedication unquestioned.
She is a clear thinker, passionate about education, well aware of what is at stake and willing to make the hard choices. She is clearly someone who can be trusted to dedicate her total effort in making the improvements in education we so desperately need.
Michael P. Challenger, Bothell