Be inspired by Dylan Raines | Letter

Amazing to read about Dylan Raines' effort to raise money for pure water in South Sudanese communities ("Blind Bothell man walks to raise money for water" April 1, 2016).

Amazing to read about Dylan Raines’ effort to raise money for pure water in South Sudanese communities (“Blind Bothell man walks to raise money for water” April 1, 2016).

He inspires me to do what I can to make a difference. I chose volunteering with RESULTS (, working to end the worst aspects of poverty and hunger.

Currently we are working on extending the earned income tax credit to childless working adults as a ladder out of poverty.

We are also supporting the Reach Every Mother and Child Act to end the preventable deaths of millions of mothers and children in our world.

We write letters and meet with our representatives and Senators. Congresswoman Suzan DelBene has been very supportive of these important issues, I met with one of her aides in Bothell last week.

So join us, or find another way to make a difference. Be inspired by Dylan Raines and do something to create a better world.

Willie Dickerson, Snohomish