I have concerns surrounding the direction of our city [Bothell] and the firing of your CEO, city manager, Bob Stowe. Many people I talk with have concern about our great city, and do not speak up. So, may I please suggest you come out of your comfort zone and speak up for your community. For or against issues with educated data is encouraged. Come to Council meetings and speak, write letters to council members, letters to editor, talk about your concerns. I believe in the future of Bothell, love living here… if you agree please speak up.
Yes, I have anxiety over the most recent action to fire the Bothell city manager. My concern however goes back even further than this most recent action. I had unease earlier this year over the Fitzgerald “sub-area,” when the council took hours of positive public testimony and yet vote down an appeal potentially benefiting the property owners of the area. More importantly, a vote to continue would have ascertained the City’s right to legislate for it’s citizens vs an over reaching act by a State agency. The appeal litigation was nearly complete from the information I was provided. The city attorney at the time was very optimistic that the appeal would be favorable. As a City, I was told we spent over $100,000 to get to the point we were at with the appeal. The council majority voted to discontinue this process, wasting over $100,000.
Firing Bob Stowe, city of Bothell city manager, may be a personnel matter for the Bothell City staff and Council. I believe it’s a commanded change in direction for the City that the current council majority is mandating, Mayor [Andy] Rheaume suggests that they are looking for someone to fill the city manager roll “that more aligns with the council majority.” I have yet to hear what the council majority stands for? The two newest council members, Duerr and McNeal ran their campaigns on “transparency.” Since taking office, I have not seen any transparency. McNeal is an advocate for public space, his involvement with One Bothell has proven his commitment. I do not disagree with his position. I ask though, how is this going to be accomplished? Is it going to be a burden on the citizens of Bothell through increased property taxes or other levies? Joining with Forterra to preserve this land as public space may seem good, or may it again relinquish control to over reaching entities, like the Fitzgerald sub-area? This is the question no one is asking. Will this alignment further marginalize the City Council’s ability to legislate for its citizens? Marginalized… Is that the direction the council wants to take?
Troy Anderson, Bothell