Northshore YMCA Summer Camp Teens have come to North Creek Forest one day each week this summer.
They have donated hundreds of hours of community service. Activities have included removal of an infestation of English ivy in the southern part of the forest. The work requires strength and determination to pull thick vines off the trees and out of the hard dry ground. Support by Friends of North Creek Forest, an army of teens has tackled tenacious ivy in a big way to clear the hiking path and surrounding areas.
Campers have been willing stewards of a restored forest site completed by UW Bothell’s Restoration Ecology Network. The newly planted area along 112th Ave NE has been watered weekly during these hot summer days by dedicated Y-Teens. These young people also are sleuths of ever invasive blackberry and morning glory that outgrow native plants if left unchecked for the summer. Vines and canes have been cut and pulled, filling wheelbarrows that then get dumped onto the rubble pile, to later be recycled as compost.
Work is complimented by mini lessons on plant identification, tree anatomy, water quality and plant diversity comparisons. Barbecue lunch is served at the end of the work party before the campers get on the bus to head out to their next destination of afternoon fun.
Thank you Y Teens for your hard work, enthusiasm and cooperative attitudes.
For more information, visit