Contractor crews on the UW Bothell/Cascadia Campus Access project continue to work at a high rate. During the weekend of Oct. 24-27, they will close all lanes of westbound State Route 522 in Bothell to connect new lanes with a newly built roadway. When the highway reopens Oct. 27, westbound drivers will travel on new, straighter lanes.
Light rain should not be a problem for workers, but a heavy downpour could prevent crews from paving and striping the roadway. The go, no-go decision will be made the morning of Oct. 24.
• Crews will close all lanes of westbound SR 522 between Interstate 405 and Kaysner Way in Bothell from 11 p.m. Oct. 24 through 5 a.m. Oct. 27.
• Crews will close the northbound and southbound ramps I-405 to westbound SR 522
• Crews will direct westbound SR 522 traffic east of I-405 to northbound I-405
• Drivers can access downtown Bothell via southbound State Route 527 (Bothell-Everett Highway)
• Crews will also close the 160th Street Northeast onramp to northbound I-405
Getting around
Drivers should expect heavy traffic on northbound I-405 in Bothell during the weekend closure. Drivers can also expect heavy congestion at the Beardslee/195th Street interchange. The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) has hired local police and Washington State Patrol troopers to help direct traffic.
Drivers in the area must remain alert for detour signs on SR 522, SR 527 and 160th Street Northeast.
Travelers should check the WSDOT cameras, which will allow drivers to gauge the traffic back-up in the area. They should also listen to traffic reports on local radio stations throughout the weekend for up-to-the minute information about congestion.
When the work is complete, drivers will be using a new, straighter and smoother roadway. Local residents in the Bothell area will see a new intersection at Woodinville Drive and SR 522. Drivers leaving Woodinville Drive will be able to make a safe left turn onto westbound SR 522.
What’s next?
Crews are working quickly to finish excavation and paving while the dry weather holds out. Crews also hope to finish prepping and excavating the 95-foot retaining wall next to the campus entrance. Crews will place mulch and straw over the wall to help absorb winter rains and to prevent erosion.
As the cold weather approaches, crews will focus on building the retaining wall and widening the bridges that will help carry traffic to the campus entrance.
WSDOT is working with the University of Washington, Bothell and Cascadia Community College to build a new entrance to the south side of the Bothell campus. With a new road leading straight from I-405 to the campus, traffic congestion will lessen. As part of this project, crews will build a new roadway for SR 522 from the I-405 interchange to Kaysner Way in Bothell. For information and detour maps, visit HYPERLINK “”