Travel tools for holiday travel from the WSDOT

Using the Washington State Department of Transportation predicted travel volumes and online tools is the key to starting roadway travel for Memorial Day 2014.

Using the Washington State Department of Transportation predicted travel volumes and online tools is the key to starting roadway travel for Memorial Day 2014.

With summer travel season getting underway and weather reports calling for just a few scattered rain showers, travel is expected to increase on typical holiday travel routes, including Interstate 90 over Snoqualmie Pass, US 2 over Stevens Pass, Interstate 5 through Thurston and Pierce counties and I-5 between Bellingham and the U.S./Canada Border.

In addition to the holiday weekend travel guide, real-time travel and traffic information are also available. These include:

  • Online tools that provide traffic camera images, ferry schedules and a map of highway incidents and closures.
  • The 511 travel information hotline. For out-of-state callers, it’s 1-800-695-ROAD (7623).
  • The WSDOT mobile appemail alerts and other tools, such as Twitter and Facebook.
  • Overhead and roadside electronic signs.
  • Highway advisory stations, 530 AM or 1610 AM.

Please remember to drive sober, safe and avoid distractions as any traffic collision or incident can result in additional traffic congestion.

To help ease traffic congestion, WSDOT and its contractors will suspend most state highway construction work at noon Friday, May 23, until Monday, May 26. There is also good news for Lake Washington boaters: the State Route 520 Floating Bridge and Landings Project contractor will open the east navigation channel underneath the existing SR 520 Bridge for holiday boat traffic from 9 a.m. Friday, May 23, to 7 a.m. Tuesday, May 27.

Travelers whose weekend plans include a trip by ferry, train, personal aircraft or bus should also make plans to avoid holiday delays:

  • Washington State Ferries expects heavy traffic Memorial Day weekend, and suggests that ferry riders consider traveling outside of peak times. Holiday schedules and other information can be found online or by calling 888-808-7977.
  • Amtrak Cascades offers 18 stops along the I-5 corridor. Amtrak Cascades trains often sell out during holidays so make reservations early. Plan to arrive one hour before the train leaves. Check online or call 800-USA-RAIL for more information.
  • WSDOT provides updates on state-operated airports. Check online or call 800-552-0666 for information.
  • Most public transit systems will follow a holiday schedule, and some transit systems will not operate fixed-route or Dial-a-Ride service on Memorial Day.