Seventy-seven staff members announced their retirements during the 2011-12 school year and 21 of those retirees will attend the district retirement ceremony at 3:30 p.m. June 7 at the Administrative Center Ricketts Boardroom, 3330 Monte Villa Parkway in Bothell. Collectively, these retirees represent 2,012 years of service in education, 1,714 of those years in service to Northshore.
They are:
Kathy Abrahamson, Secretary, Shelton View Elementary School, 25 years
Sandra Alciati, Secretary, Secondary Academy for Success, 17 years
Susann Anderson, Title 1 Teacher, Kenmore Elementary School, 30 years
Lorraine Aquino-Plouf, Third Grade Teacher, Shelton View Elementary School, 23 years
*Julie Barrett, Counselor, Inglemoor High School, 31 years
Cynthia Bellamy, Resource Teacher, Woodin Elementary School, 37 years
Kathleen Bergstrom, School Technology Specialist, Wellington Elementary School, 10 years
Steve Bloomberg, Supervisor, Grounds, 28 years
Renee Bookey, Nurse, Lockwood Elementary School, 12 years
*John Borga, Fourth Grade PACE Teacher, Wellington Elementary School, 12 years
*Stacy Brown, Family Cunsumer Science, Timbercrest Junior High School, 32 years
Kathy Buck, Paraeducator, Woodinville High School, 32 years
*Mary Sue Bunch, First Grade Teacher, Canyon Creek Elementary School, 34 years
*Tom Carter, Social Studies Teacher, Inglemoor High School, 31 years
Ann Cline, Third Grade Dual Language Teacher, Woodin Elementary School, 18 years
Candy Cook, Library Technician, Technology, 28 years
Mary Dammeyer, School Assistant, Moorlands Elementary School, 22 years
*Kathleen Dearborn, Health Sciences Teacher, Woodinville High School, 23 years
*Sue Dedrick, Assistant Superintendent, Special Services, 2 years
Carol Diers, Secretary, Special Education, 31 years
*Jerrie Drinkwine, Social Studies Teacher, Leota Junior High School, 26 years
Nobue Fuqua, Japanese Teacher, Inglemoor High School, 21 years
Gregory Gaidrich, Facility Manager, Westhill Elementary School, 30 years
Pamela Gaines, Fifth Grade Teacher, Moorlands Elementary School, 28 years
Vic Guevarra, Lead Night Custodian, Timbercrest Junior High School, 16 years
Penny Hale, Bus Driver, Transportation, 24 years
Katherine Hall, Paraeducator, Hollywood Hill Elementary School, 34 years
Susan Harvey, Business Education Teacher, Inglemoor High School, 18 years
Yen Hoang, Cook Assistant, Inglemoor High School, 9 years
Andrea Hogle, Physical Education Teacher, Timbercrest Junior High School, 27 years
Catherine Holmes, Paraeducator/Pre-School, Cottage Lake Elementary School, 13 years
Joanne Hotovitsky, Bus Driver, Transportation, 31 years
Kathy Hutchings, Supervisor, Data Processing/Human Resources, 33 years
*Sam Jackson, Assistant Principal, Inglemoor High School, 17 years
*Carol Johnson, Librarian, Shelton View Elementary School, 23 years
*Robert Jones, Principal, Shelton View Elementary School, 28 years
Debbra Kashino, Second Grade Teacher, Moorlands Elementary School, 37 years
Russ Kerwin, Physical Education Teacher, Bothell High School, 40 years
Susan Knowles, Art Teacher, Woodinville High School, 26 years
Kathryn Kocha, Librarian, Cottage Lake Elementary School, 8 years
Jeanne Laurs, Psychologist, Special Education, 20 years
Pam Logsdon, Office Manager Hollywood Hill Elementary School, 21 years
*John Loy, Assistant Principal, Inglemoor High School, 33 years
Patty Lund, Woodinville Treatment Center Teacher, Special Education, 40 years
*Bonnie Madsen, Integrated 1 Teacher, Maywood Hills Elementary School, 20 years
*Irene Matalon-Munro, French/Spanish Teacher, Bothell High School, 40 years
Sheryl Matthews, Second/Third Grade Teacher, Cottage Lake Elementary School, 33 years
*Paul Moody, Health Teacher, Bothell High School, 40 years
*Audrey Mulvihill, Speech Language Pathologist, Special Education, 15 years
Linda O’Connor, Science Teacher, Inglemoor High School, 20 years
Leslie Osborne, Adult Transition Program, Special Education, 18 years
Glenda Palmer, Bus Driver, Transportation, 26 years
Sally Peterson, Paraeducator, Bothell High School, 21 years
Peggy Roberts, LAP Teacher, Frank Love Elementary School, 26 years
Les Rohacek, School Assistant, Westhill Elementary School, 12 years
Don Roll, Facility Manager, Lockwood Elementary School, 34 years
Holly Runyan, Math Teacher, Woodinville High School, 28 years
Susan Russell, English Teacher, Timbercrest Junior High School, 23 years
*Marilynne Scott, First Grade Teacher, Arrowhead Elementary School, 18 years
Mary Scott, Consulting Teacher, Northshore Networks, 11 years
Joan Skobow, French/English Teacher, Kenmore Junior High School, 19 years
*Carol Steffy, Autism Paraeducator, Sorenson Early Childhood Center, 7 years
*Mary Stephano, Third Grade Teacher, Westhill Elementary School, 23 years
Susan Styrlund, Second Grade PACE, Wellington Elementary School, 18 years
David Swap, Custodian, Bothell High School, 7 years
John Swap, Facility Manager, Kokanee Elementary School, 8 years
Susan Taylor, Fifth/Sixth Grade Teacher, Fernwood Elementary School, 22 years
Marianneka Tellekamp, Kindergarten Teacher, Frank Love Elementary School, 34 years
Sandra Tenney, Cook Assistant, Inglemoor High School, 6 years
Patricia Thomas, Physical Education Teacher, Moorlands Elementary School, 35 years
Judith Torp, Cook Manager, Inglemoor High School, 22 years
Jim Tweedt, Systems Analyst, Technology, 18 years
Thomas Van Duzer, Special Education CLC Teacher, Bothell High School, 8 years
*Cheryl Warren, Fifth Grade PACE, Woodmoor Elementary School, 20 years
Freddy Weller, math/Science Teacher, Kenmore Junior High School, 11 years
Stephen Zehm, Fifth Grade Teacher, Wellington Elementary School, 16 years
*Albert Zulauf, Bus Driver, Transportation, 7 years
*those attending district ceremony