Public hearing to focus on school-board-director district boundary adjustments June 28

The Northshore School District Board of Directors will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. June 28 at the start of the regularly scheduled board meeting, to gather feedback on proposed changes to school-board-director district boundaries based on recently released 2010 census data.

The Northshore School District Board of Directors will hold a public hearing at 7 p.m. June 28 at the start of the regularly scheduled board meeting, to gather feedback on proposed changes to school-board-director district boundaries based on recently released 2010 census data.

The meeting will take place at the Northshore School District Administrative Center, 3330 Monte Villa Parkway, Bothell.

Northshore School District has five school-board-director districts. While all school-board members are elected from the district at large and represent the entire district, each school-board position must come from one of the five school-board-director districts.

The purpose of adjusting school-board-director district boundaries is to ensure that each district contains an equal population, as required by state law. The school-board-director districts were last balanced after the 2000 census. Since 2000, Northshore has realized an overall increase of 14,948 residents with all school-board-director districts experiencing an increase in population except District 5, which comprises the eastern portion of the school district. The proposed boundary adjustments would ensure that each school-board-director district contains 20 percent of the district’s total population.

According to state law, school districts have eight months from the receipt of census data to develop a plan for adjusting school-board-director district boundaries to balance the population within each district. Citizens are welcome to attend the public hearing to ask questions and/or provide comment on the proposed plan.