As more students use computers, Web sites and cell phones, bullying has taken a step into the electronic age. Parents are invited to learn how to prevent their child from being a cyberbully or the victim of one in a free workshop from 7-9 p.m. Nov. 5 in Room 60 at the Northshore School District Administrative Center, 3330 Monte Villa Parkway, Bothell. No child care provided. Pre-registration required at
Nearly 1,500 guests gathered at Bellevue’s Meydenbauer Center Oct. 20 to hear speakers, including actor/activist Edward James Olmos, Sen. Maria Cantwell and former Washington first lady Mona Locke, extol the virtues of the social-service agency Hopelink and to drive home the urgent message that the need to support Hopelink — which has a food bank in Bothell — is greater than ever.
Seeking her third term as a state representative, Democrat Maralyn Chase said what she sees as the two key issues in the local elections are undoubtedly intertwined.
Having spent 14 years on the Northshore School District Board of Directors prior to heading for Olympia in 1992, perhaps it’s not surprising that Democratic State Sen. Rosemary McAuliffe, District 1, has made education a key issue during her current reelection campaign.
Seeking his third term as a U.S. representative from Washington’s First Congressional District, Democratic Rep. Jay Inslee has made his proposed new energy initiative a centerpiece of his campaign.
Now’s the time for younger students at the University of Washington, Bothell to vote. What has shaped their opinions in the Nov. 4 presidential election, one that probably has generated more interest than most?
A couple flights of stairs lead students to Room 360 at Cascadia Community College in Bothell. Inside, instructors Danielle Powell and Erin Richards team up to pass on their knowledge in a class that combines Communications 101 and Political Science 202.
First, the good news.
Passion, dedication and creativity are just some of the qualities that moms and inventors share.
Oct. 11
Malicious mischief: Persons unknown spray painted graffiti at the Bothell Skate Park. Police reports did not describe the graffiti, but stated officers took pictures in order to compare it with other vandalism found around the city.
I first told my mother to shut up when I was newly entering the teenage years. I had invited dozens of classmates to our home to rehearse a school performance. As the rehearsal was underway, goofing off got in the way of serious practice and I felt frustrated. Trying to remain cool while regaining the crowd’s attention, my mother saw my need for her support and so she intervened with great warmth and guidance.
Bastyr University is launching a series of six panel discussions designed to examine a broad spectrum of issues related to the state of the American health-care system. Titled “The Politics of Health in America,” the year-long series will cover such issues as policy reform and the corporatization of health care.
The city of Bothell invites citizens to an informational meeting regarding the clean up and redevelopment of the Bothell Landing Commercial Center site related to the Bothell Crossroads SR 522 Realignment project. The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Oct. 30 at the Northshore Senior Center rooms 103/104 (10201 E. Riverside Drive, Bothell).
Sitting prominently on a shelf in the lobby, a big bottle of Tums greeted visitors, though it is unclear how many of those antacids actually were put to use.
Public hearing
Contractor crews on the UW Bothell/Cascadia Campus Access project continue to work at a high rate. During the weekend of Oct. 24-27, they will close all lanes of westbound State Route 522 in Bothell to connect new lanes with a newly built roadway. When the highway reopens Oct. 27, westbound drivers will travel on new, straighter lanes.
When daughter Abbie’s ninth birthday was on the horizon this summer, Bothell’s Amy Heinrich-Kehr hoped she could take that upcoming event in a less traditional direction.