Northshore School District high-school FBLA students earn awards

Students from Bothell, Inglemoor and Woodinville high schools earned awards at the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) State Business Leadership Conference (SBLC), April 11-14 in Seattle. Woodinville High, with 143 members, was honored with the largest chapter award, as well as being the chapter with the most members (22) qualifying to compete at the national level. Bothell High had the second largest chapter in the state.

Students from Bothell, Inglemoor and Woodinville high schools earned awards at the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) State Business Leadership Conference (SBLC), April 11-14 in Seattle.

Woodinville High, with 143 members, was honored with the largest chapter award, as well as being the chapter with the most members (22) qualifying to compete at the national level. Bothell High had the second largest chapter in the state.

• Bothell High

Cameron Fleming, 1st place in Accounting I and 3rd place in Accounting II

Erik Lystad, 5th place in Spreadsheet Applications

Aaron Lutz, top 15 in Pubic Speaking II

Rachel Izrailova, top 15 in Job Interview

Nick Chu and Caleb Tachiki, top 15 in Business Preparation

Chloe Vazquez and Linda Vinitnantharat, top 15 in Business Ethics

Devon Fisher, Nick Hosler and Connor Murray, top 15 in Business Ethics

Megan McShane, President Award and Outstanding Member Award

• Inglemoor High

Darrek Monaco, 2nd place in Help Desk

Kevin Jin and Kathleen Zhou, 2nd place in Marketing

• Woodinville High

Brianna Everroad, Micah Rubart and Grant Sportelli 1st place in Banking & Financial Systems

Erika Springer, Joyce Tang and Kyle Tsai, 2nd place in Business Financial Plan

Matthias Argenyi, 1st place in Business Math

Gabriel Lucas and Kenneth Raymond, 2nd place in Business Plan

Andrew Munsell, 1st place in Computer Problem Solving

Ellen McCaw, 1st place in Creed

Andrew Munsell, 2nd place in Cyber Security

Karthik Ramesh, 3rd place in Database Design and Applications

Kenneth Raymond and Micah Rubart, 5th place in Digital Design & Promotion

Veronica Guenther and Ana Prussia, 5th place in Digital Video Production

Andrew Munsell and Kalei Munsell, 2nd place in E-Business

Heather Brevard, 3rd place in Economics

Grant Sportelli, 5th place in Economics

Caileigh Steigers, 3rd place in Electronic Career Portfolio

Brandon Granaada, Grant Sportelli and Mitchell Vandenberg, 3rd place in Emerging Business Issues

Mary Cochran, Gabriel Lucas and Kenneth Raymond, 1st place in Entrepreneurship

Alexander Huff, Christopher Logan and Kyle Tsai, 3rd place in Entrepreneurship

Michael Aldridge, Heather Brevard and Joyce Tang, 4th place in Entrepreneurship

Ellen McCaw, 3rd place in FBLA Principles & Procedures

Walker Bruhn, Brandon Granaada and Joyce Tang, 1st place in Global Business

Madhuri Kasa, Kyle Tsai and Mitchell Vandenberg, 2nd place in Global Business

Michael Aldridge, Heather Brevard and Sulynn Miao, 5th place in Global Business

Kalei Munsell, 1st place in Graphic Design

Joselyn Chavez, 3rd place in Hospitality Management

Emily Neubert, 5th place in Introduction to Parliamentary Procedure

Caileigh Steigers, 2nd place in Local Chapter Annual Business Report

Walker Bruhn, Mary Cochran and Kenneth Raymond, 2nd place in Management Decision Making

Alexander Huff, Christopher Logan and Kyle Tsai, 4th place in Management Information Systems

Mary Cochran, Kenneth Raymond and Joyce Tang, 1st place in Marketing

Matthias Argenyi, Robert Luo and Nicholas Taylor, 4th place in Marketing

Andrew Munsell, 4th place in Networking Concepts

Christopher Logan, 4th place in Personal Finance

Darelle Dex Oblefias, 4th place in Spreadsheet Applications

Andrew Munsell, 4th place in Technology Concepts

Madhuri Kasa, Artem Minyaylov and Alex Vrhel, 1st place in Virtual Business Challenge

Twenty-six students from the three high schools qualified to compete at the National Leadership Conference, June 26-July 2, in San Antonio, Texas: Cameron Fleming, BHS; Darrek Monaco, IHS; Kevin Jin, IHS; Kathleen Zhou, IHS; Micah Rubart, WHS; Grant Sportelli, WHS; Brianna Everroad, WHS; Erika Springer, WHS; Joyce Tang, WHS; Kyle Tsai, WHS; Matthias Argenyi, WHS; Kenneth Raymond, WHS; Gabriel Lucas, WHS; Andrew Munsell, WHS; Kalei Munsell, WHS; Heather Brevard, WHS; Mary Cochran, WHS; Ellen McCaw, WHS; Brandon Granaada, WHS; Walker Bruhn, WHS, Mitchell Vandenberg, WHS, Madhuri Kasa, WHS; Joselyn Chavez, WHS; Caileigh Steigers, WHS; Artem Minyaylov, WHS; and Alex Vrhel, WHS.