Northshore Fire reminds residents that May is Bicycle Safety Month and bike helmets save lives

In recognition of Bicycle Safety Month, the Northshore Fire Department encourages the citizens of Kenmore to wear helmets and follow other safety precautions to ensure that their bicycling outings are safe.

In recognition of Bicycle Safety Month, the Northshore Fire Department encourages the citizens of Kenmore to wear helmets and follow other safety precautions to ensure that their bicycling outings are safe.

With warmer weather on the way and having the beautiful Burke Gillman trail in our backyard; everyone should be thinking “safety first” every time they get on a bike. Research shows that wearing a helmet is the most effective way to reduce bicycle-related injuries and fatalities, reducing the risk of a brain injury by 63-88 percent.

The Northshore Fire Department has teamed up with Safe Kids Washington® and McDonald’s to promote the “Safe Rider Citation”. Firefighters, Fire Prevention and Administration staff from the Northshore Fire Department will be on the look-out for children who are practicing safety – by wearing a bicycle helmet. The “Safe Rider Citation” will be given out to those who are spotted wearing helmets in the community.The Citation, donated by the Washington State McDonald’s Owners Association, is good for one free Happy Meal®.

Parents and older siblings are the best role models for young children. Please demonstrate “safety first” habits by wearing a helmet.