The Bothell Blotter is a description of a small selection of police incidents all calls to the Northshore area that are dispatched to on-duty officers.
Jan. 6
A person reported that a call came from “PSE” stating the they were behind on payments. The reporting person was told to purchase a Money Pak gift card and call the suspect back. The victim did so and also asked for a confirmation number. After the call was concluded the victim called PSE’s main number to ensure payment receipt and was told there were no unpaid bills nor any mention of the previous call.
A person residing near Bothell Way Northeast reported that their brother stole and forged checks from their mother’s account. The case is still active.
A storage unit near 228th Street Southeast was illegally entered by cutting the padlock from the storage unit’s door. The victim was not sure if any items were missing from the unit.
Road rage was reported near 112th Avenue Northeast. A victim reported an unknown suspect tossing debris from their vehicle at the victim’s vehicle, and hitting it. The suspect had cut off the victim, nearly causing a crash, then tailgated the victim. A Bothell police officer is currently investigating the case and looking into the identity of the suspect.
Jan. 10
A male near 237th Street Southeast fired shots while stating he needed help. A witness told the male to put the weapon down. No one was reported as being hit by the shots. An ambulance came and transported the male who had fired the gun. It is believed the male used the sound of the firearm to get help, but the case is heading to the prosecutor’s office to determine if charges will be filed.
A reporting person notified authorities that a vehicle parked by his home, near Woodinville Drive, had been hit and no information was left from the alleged suspect.
Jan. 11
A victim near Northeast 196th Street reported that her home had been burglarized. The front door and back doors were open and the lights in the home were on. Officers believe that the burglary was interrupted by the victim.
A person turning left, from a left hand turn lane, near 228th Street Southeast and Highway 527 had been struck by a vehicle while turning left. There are no suspects at this time.
Jan. 12
A store reported their front door had been pried open and iPads and iPhones were stolen from their location on highway 527. The approximate value of the items totals approximately $6,800.
A victim near Ross Road reported that his garage had been entered, most likely from an unlocked side door, during the night. The approximate value of the tools taken from the garage is around $1,040.