The King and Snohomish County elections departments have updated their websites for candidate filing and all three Bothell City Council positions will hold primaries. However, only Andy Rheaume has filed for reelection for position 2.
“When I was first elected, my daughter was 3 months old, she’ll turn 12 this summer,” Councilmember Mark Lamb said. “I’ve loved serving on council and loved serving the community of Bothell and I’m excited to have new faces and new folks step up into leadership in our community.”
Both Lamb, who currently holds position 6 and is a former mayor, and Councilman Bill Evans, who holds position 4, have not filed for reelection.
“When I initially got on the council, I thought I was just going to run one term. I said, well 8-years is a pretty good community service time,” Bill Evans said. “I’m going to miss it, miss serving the residents and community, but I’ll find another way to serve the community.”
Rheaume will be challenged by Maryanna Price and Roz Gorc. James McNeal, Tim Ottersburg and Bob Carsrud will be vying for position 4, currently held by Bill Evans. Position 6, held by former-mayor Mark Lamb, will be vied for by Davina Duerr, John Lee and Nadia Mustafa.