Kent Sturgis to receive 13th annual “McMaster Heritage Award” for community service

The Kenmore Heritage Society’s 2014 “McMaster Heritage Award” will be presented to community volunteer Kent Sturgis at 7 p.m. on Feb. 5.

The Kenmore Heritage Society’s 2014 “McMaster Heritage Award” will be presented to community volunteer Kent Sturgis at 7 p.m. on Feb. 5 at the Kenmore Community Club.

Kenmore Heritage Society’s annual “McMaster Heritage Award” recognizes an individual who has made outstanding volunteer contributions to the Kenmore community. The recipient is chosen from nominees submitted by community members.

In 1989, Sturgis opened the Kenmore branch office of Epicenter Press, an Anchorage-based publishing company. Since he and his wife settled in Kenmore 25 years ago he has served three years on the Kenmore Downtown Task Force, helped facilitate the master plan for Northshore Summit Park, worked with the 64th Avenue Safety Committee and presently serves as vice president of Citizens for a Better Kenmore, an organization helping area residents become more involved in city government.

From 2000-2003, he guided Kenmore Heritage Society through the production and publication of Kenmore by the Lake, a comprehensive history of the Kenmore area, now in its second printing. Because of his oversight of the project and generous sharing of his knowledge and expertise, the book received both state and national awards.

The McMaster Heritage Award is named after John McMaster, pioneer Kenmore businessman and entrepreneur who gave Kenmore its name in 1901. The Kenmore Community Club is located at 7304 NE 175th Street in Kenmore. The public is invited to this special event.