Kenmore survey on pedestrian, bicycle Safety now online

The Kenmore City Council has appointed seven residents to serve on an Ad Hoc Citizen Committee to take a close look at pedestrian and bicycle safety in our city.

The Kenmore City Council has appointed seven residents to serve on an Ad Hoc Citizen Committee to take a close look at pedestrian and bicycle safety in our city. The Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Ad Hoc Citizen Committee has posted a survey on the City of Kenmore website residents to give their opinions on the topic.

Comments from the survey will help the committee and staff in moving forward with the creation of the pedestrian and bicycle strategy. Survey deadline is June 13.

The Ad Hoc Citizen Committee will also hold a Town Hall Meeting at 7 p.m. on June 24 at Kenmore City Hall to discuss their progress and to receive input from the community.

Additional information will be made available on the city’s website closer to the meeting.