Kenmore Community Club 10th annual community picnic

The Kenmore Community Club will celebrate its 10th annual community non-profit picnic at 6:30 p.m. on July 10.

The Kenmore Community Club will celebrate its 10th annual community non-profit picnic at 6:30 p.m. on July 10. The event will take place at the Kenmore Community Club, 7304 N.E. 175th in Kenmore. Organizations contributing to the event include the Kenmore Community Club, The Arts of Kenmore, Kenmore Senior Center, Kenmore Heritage Society and Friends of the Kenmore Library. A raffle will also be held with proceeds donated to Hopelink and donations for Hopelink will be collected.

The Club asks all who intent to attend the picnic to RSVP at 425-486-4202 or 425-488-8350.