The Kenmore City Council invites the public to provide input on the topic of city parks, open space and recreation at a town-hall meeting at 6:30 p.m. on June 25 at Kenmore City Hall, 18120 68th Ave. N.E.
The city owns 105.12 acres of park property in seven parks (Linwood, Log Boom, Moorlands, Northshore Summit, Rhododendron, Squires Landing and Wallace Swamp Creek), which provide recreation opportunities for the community. Prior to the town-hall meeting, the city will host an open house at 5:30 p.m. for the public to view the park display boards. Staff will be available to answer questions.
The City Council regular meeting will follow the town-hall meeting at 7:30 p.m. At the regular meeting, council will be discussing the Park Capital Improvement Program, which identifies funds available to finance park improvements during a six-year period. The agenda and information for the June 25 meeting will be posted on the city’s Web site,