A pair of Kenmore brothers traveled to Australia and returned ranked in the top 15 in the world in Boomerang throwing. The brothers competed against more than 70 athletes during the 2014 World Boomerang Cup.
Daniel Bower took eighth place and Richard Bower took third in the tournament. In boomerang competitions, there are individual and team tournaments. Players compete in advanced, intermediate or novice divisions. Boomerang skills are tested by accuracy, distance, speed and trick catching. Both men are in their late 20s.
“This was an amazing experience overall and I had a great time competing with my team,” Richard said. “The best part of going down there was the traveling we did both before and after the tournament. Sydney is a great city.”
About eight years ago, the brothers and other other U.S. throwers formed their team with the idea they could become the core of a new U.S. team that would compete together and win World Cups inspire other competitors to be the best they can be. They enlisted Gregg Snouffer, one of the best U.S. throwers from the late 80s to early 2000s, as their coach.
“The love and respect we have for each other is key to our continued success as a team and to our core group remaining the best team throwers the U.S. has right now,” Dan said. “So far we’ve made it four straight World Cups with only two guys having to drop off and their replacements fit right in, no problem. We are lucky.”
The team named themselves the ‘Rad Revolution’ for three straight World Cups in 2008, 2009 and 2010. The six teammates were the top ranked U.S. team, winning the World Cup in 2010 in Italy.
“The bond we formed amongst ourselves has become the largest motivator for me to both keep participating in the sport, and to continue to better both my throwing skills and personal conduct while doing it,” Richard said. “We had a lineup change for this World Cup, two of our original six just could not make it to Australia so we ended up with two new guys. But they filled in flawlessly and we had a really fun time in Perth.”
Dan and Richard’s love for the sport started in 1999 after a local thrower named Will Herlan did a demonstration for their school.
“The interesting thing for me was that he sent all the kids home with a blank, uncarved boomerang and some instructions about how to sand it into shape and make it fly,” Dan recalled. “Me being a rather hands-on kid, who loved using tools, this was great.”
The brothers went home and spent an hour making the blank over with scraps of sandpaper and various files found in their dad’s toolbox.
“The next day I went out to a park and threw my new boomerang and it came almost right back too me on the first throw, so at that point I was hooked,” Richard said. “Now, most of the boomerangs in my throwing kit are one’s that I have made myself and the others I have fairly extensively modified.”
Richard and Dan hope to compete for a few more years and then sit back and watch their legacy carry on.
“I hope to see another great young team come up in the next few World Cups to replace us,” Dan said. “If that happens, we’ll have succeeded in our goals.”
To read more about the team, visit their Facebook page by typing in “United States Boomerang Team” in the search.