Haunted Trails returns to Bastyr University in Kenmore

Bastyr University's annual Haunted Trails returns for another year of spooky fun on the weekends of Oct. 18-19 and 25-26.

Bastyr University’s annual Haunted Trails returns for another year of spooky fun on the weekends of Oct. 18-19 and 25-26. Hosted in the Kenmore campus forest, the event is one of the biggest scarefests in the area and includes frightfully enjoyable activities for teenagers and adults, as well as trick-or-treating for children ages 8 and younger. It’s all for a worthy cause, as proceeds benefit student study-abroad programs.

The event runs from 5-11 p.m. at Bastyr University, 14500 Juanita Drive N.E. in Kenmore.

THe cost is $20 per person.

For additional information and to purchase tickets visit the website.