The following is a press release from the Northshore School District.
The Enrollment Demographics Task Force (EDTF) has reviewed updated enrollment numbers, projections and community input received on the Draft 2017 Boundary Adjustment Proposal that was shared with community in February 2015.
Updates have been made and the EDTF has created the revised (May 2015) Final 2017 Draft Boundary Adjustment Proposal.
Implementation of boundary adjustments in 2017 will not solve all the district’s enrollment challenges. It is one important element of a long-term growth management plan. The EDTF has made a draft recommendation to the school board for consideration on future growth management:
1. Consider the proposed draft changes to existing service areas and feeder patterns for September 2017 implementation; AND
2. Consider construction of a new facility on the Maltby site (included in the 2018 bond for a Sept. 2020 opening) to further address the balance of instructional opportunities with continued north-end population growth.
3. Continue to look for and acquire property to address future anticipated growth in the north/central portion of the district.
4. Further analyze data and the potential of consolidation or repurposing of an east side elementary school when impacts of the following are known:
a) Upcoming legislative impacts (e.g. 1351, McCleary)
b) Urban Growth Act boundary changes
c) Continued stagnation or decline in east side population
This is a fairly final recommendation based on the EDTF’s extensive review of data, boundary considerations/themes, and community input. However, the EDTF will continue to review data (which includes demographic, enrollment information and trends, construction/housing data, etc.) and provide community engagement opportunities in the fall of 2015—making any necessary changes—before making a final recommendation to the school board in the winter/spring of 2016.
For more information, please visit