The Kenmore Church of the Redeemer is installing 90 solar panels on the roof of its building. The solar panels will be installed during the next few weeks. This installation is estimated to produce about 31,000 kilowatt-hours per year. This is enough power to run three homes for a full year.
“We are very excited about adding solar panels to the church roof. It is an opportunity to demonstrate stewardship of the earth’s resources. We see it as a chance to demonstrate solar energy can work effectively in Kenmore,“ said Rev. Jed Fox.
The solar panels convert the energy from the sun to electricity. The technology is clean, quiet and renewable. The Church anticipates substantial power savings. The extra kilowatts will be rerouted to the power grid. West Seattle Natural Energy is doing the installation. They have installed solar panels in commercial buildings, schools and homes.
The Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, located at 6211 NE 181st Street, was completed in late 1964. The building was designed by Seattle architect Rolland Terry. The city of Kenmore architectural review committee examined the potential impacts of the installation on the historically significant building.
The roof is flat and the solar panels will not be visible from the street. The roof location is perfect for the collection of solar power.