The Snohomish County Department of Public Works has authorized a full road closure on 14th Drive SE from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., from Aug. 4 through Aug, 21.
Coluccio Construction crews will be working on 14th Drive SE north of SR 524 to install a 25-foot deep shaft, with 3 feet of shoring coming up from the ground, for the first phase of the North Creek Interceptor Sewer Improvement project.
Even after this current round of construction is completed, the road will be closed again shortly there after to continue the North Creek Interceptor Sewer Improvement project.
Once the current work is completed, 14th Drive SE will be open for several weeks, then close for another two week period to connect the side shaft under SR 524 to the phase 1 construction.
No one will have access to 14th Drive SE during this timeframe, not even emergency vehicles or school district transportation.
Public Works states that they do not have a map of the detour, but states that the detour runs along 13th Drive SE and 202nd Street SE.
For more information, please visit and search for “Roads Central”.