The City of Bothell will host a celebration Feb. 27 to mark the beginning of the city’s service to approximately 6,000 new residents who are annexing into Bothell.
The celebration will be an open house from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Northshore Public Health Center, located at 10808 NE 145th St. in Bothell. There will be refreshments, and a brief program starting at 6:30 p.m. City staff will be available to answer questions and discuss services provided by the City for its newest citizens.
The effective date of the annexations is Feb. 28. The annexation process was initiated in February 2010, in accordance with the state Growth Management Act, which establishes that cities are the most appropriate providers of urban services. The nine annexations have been designated by city and county plans as part of Bothell’s logical service area since the mid-1990s.
The nine annexation areas and estimated population numbers are as follows:
1. North Bloomberg Hill = 405
2. Hillside Estates = 39
3. South Norway Hill / NE 160th = 3,980
4. Magnolia Dairy / South Westhill = 1,195
5. North Westhill = 380
6. Westhill Island / North = 34
7. Westhill Island / East = 7
8. Westhill Island / South = 32
9. Maywood Island = 8