May 11-15 is the filing period for elections in Washington state. Incumbents and challengers have until the end of the business day on Friday to file with the Public Disclosure Commission (PDC).
According to the PDC’s website there are numerous candidates for both Bothell and Kenmore, as of the first day.
For Bothell, Davina Duerr, of the Landmarks Preservation Board, and James McNeal, president of OneBothell, are both running for seats but have not declared which positions they will challenge.
“I think that our community needs a little more transparency and openness on our council,” McNeal said. “[And] So that the community can get more involved in some of the decision that are being made in the community.”
Incumbent Andy Rheaume has filed for reelection to position No. 2 on the council. Both Councilman Bill Evans and Mark Lamb are also up for re-election but have yet to file according to the PDC website.
In Kenmore, Mayor David Baker, Brent Smith and Stacey Danuski have already filed for reelection to their respective seats. Baker position as mayor is voted on by the councilmembers.
“I’m running for elections because I love my city and we are just starting to accomplish so much, and I want to continue moving in that direction,” said Baker, who holds position No. 5. “I’m very excited about Kenmore’s Future and I want to be part of it.”
Danuski, who hold position No. 7, was selected to take the place of former councilman Glenn Rogers when he was forced to step down due to medical issues. Brent Smith holds position No. 1.