The Kenmore Art Show, presented by Arts of Kenmore, is currently accepting entries for the 2015 exhibit between now and May 1.
This year brings improvements to entries, such as an easier online registry and checkout, an allowance of five entries per category, and a ‘Paint Out’ June 27, in the open air.
The categories for the art show include, paintings and drawings, miniature paintings and drawings, sculpture, photography, digital-new media art, artisan works (such as woodwork, jewelry, ceramics and more), youth art and works created from repurposed materials.
First place prizes range from $300-400, along with prizes for second and third, and awards from local businesses.
The Kenmore Art Show, held at Bastyr University from June 24-28, will be judged by Lianna Bennett (painting, drawings and others), Irina Kirienko Milton (miniatures), David Varnaus (sculpture), Robert Stahl (photography), and Staci Adman (Youth Artwork). Judges for artisan works and digital-new media art will be chosen soon.
For more information on the Kenmore Arts Show, please visit the Arts of Kenmore webpage at