Bothell residents Sen. Rosemary McAuliffe and Dawn McCravey are the top-two vote-getters in the Legislative District 1 category of the primary and look to be heading for a showdown in November.
The second round of votes in the primary were reported Wednesday evening in the following races, which affect Bothell and Kenmore:
Incumbent McAuliffe (D) leads with 45.29 percent of the vote while McCravey (R) follows at 41.32 percent.
• In Congressional District 1, John Koster (R) and Suzan DelBene (D) lead the way in the primary.
Koster has 44 percent; DelBene, 23.23 percent.
• For the short-term Congressional District 1 race, Koster has 35.04 percent of the votes. DelBene has 25.11 percent.
• At State Representative Position No. 1, Bothell’s incumbent Derek Stanford (D) and Bothell’s Sandy Guinn (R) lead the way.
Stanford, 46.87 percent; Guinn, 26.21 percent.
• At State Representative Position No. 2, incumbent Luis Moscoso (D) took 95.95 percent and 93.48 percent of the vote in King and Snohomish counties, respectively, but was listed as 100 percent on the Washington State Elections site because they don’t include write-in votes.
• In Legislative District 32, Positions No. 1 and No. 2, respectively, incumbents Cindy Ryu (D) and Ruth Kagi (D) are well ahead.
Ryu, 70.94 percent, and Kagi, 70.68 percent.
Also placing in the top two are:
Randy Hayden (R) for Position No. 1 — 29.06 percent.
Robert Reedy (R) for Position No. 2 — 20.55 percent.
All votes are from both King and Snohomish counties.
Aug. 21 is the last day for the Office of the Secretary of State to certify the returns.