Bothell’s 240th Street Southeast Bridge to be closed July 23-Aug. 21

Bothell's 240th Street Southeast Bridge will be closed from July 23-Aug. 21 to complete the yearlong bridge-replacement project.

Bothell’s 240th Street Southeast Bridge will be closed from July 23-Aug. 21 to complete the yearlong bridge-replacement project.

The bridge over North Creek was built in 1962, and was closed to all traffic in October 2010 when the city announced an inspection had revealed significant deterioration of at least one wooden bridge support.

It reopened in March, and the new closure is so crews can remove the temporary support system currently underneath the bridge.

The new bridge is a higher, 76-foot-long, cast-in-place, post-tensioned concrete bridge and is longer to provide a wider opening under the bridge to meet current FEMA flood-level requirements. The nearby trail bridge, which carries the regional North Creek Trail, was also replaced with a 74-foot-long prefabricated bridge with a longer span to minimize hydraulic and environmental impacts of replacing the vehicular bridge.

The cost of construction is covered by city funds and a grant from the Federal Highway Bridge Program.