After a weekend of head-to-head Pokémon video game battles, Conan Thompson earned the esteemed title of Pokémon Winter Regional Champion at the 2015 Pokémon Winter Regional Championships held on Feb. 14-15 in Portland, Ore.
Thompson is among only five Masters Division Winter Regional video game Champions from across North America to earn the esteemed title. The Winter Regional Championships is the second of three Regional tournaments taking place throughout the U.S. and Canada in the 2015 Pokémon Championship Series season, including the Spring Regional Championships taking place in May 2015.
Along with the title, Thompson also earned valuable Championship Points that count toward a potential invite to 2015 Pokémon World Championships in Boston this August. As part of an often year-long journey, players that achieve a top Championship Points ranking following the U.S. National Championships in Indianapolis, Ind. this July will earn a spot to compete among elite players from more than 30 countries at the Pokémon World Championships.
“The 2015 Winter Regional Championships brought together some of the most elite players from each of their regions. Thank you to the thousands of Pokémon trainers that participated and congratulations to this year’s Winter Regional Champions,” said J.C. Smith, director of Consumer Marketing for The Pokémon Company International. “We look forward to following these players as they continue their journeys throughout the season.”
Players of all ages and skill levels are encouraged to participate in Organized Play events that guarantee competitors the opportunity to play in multiple rounds, no matter what their win-loss record is. For more information on future tournaments including dates, locations, prizes, and tournament rules and regulations, visit