After tonight’s round of results released by Snohomish County elections, there are 2,376 no votes (52.2%) for Bothell annexation to 2,176 yes votes (47.8%) in the unincorporated Snohomish County North, East, West Bothell Annexation (NEWBA) area.
In combined King and Snohomish County results:
Position No. 2
Andy Rheaume– 3,896– 60.3%
Adam Brauch– 2,568 — 39.7%
“I first want to thank my team of Bothell residents that worked on my campaign. I would not have been successful without them. Running for the office of Bothell City Council has been a humbling experience, visiting over 4,500 residences and walking every street in our city has given me a strong sense of community,” Rheaume said. “I’m proud this is my hometown and I’m honored to represent our community. I encourage each and everyone to contact me directly with comments/concerns in the coming years.”
Position No. 4
Bill Evans– 4,139– 65.2%
Nicholas Carlson– 2,208– 34.8%
Position No. 6
Mark Lamb– 4,206– 62.3%
Tris Samberg– 2,542 — 37.7%
“I am honored by this vote of confidence in the record of our City Council and the positive direction for our future that Councilmember Evans and I laid out in this campaign. I look forward to working with Councilmember-elect Rheaume on behalf of all the people of Bothell in the new year,” Lamb said.
Director No. 2
Janet Quinn– 11,450 — 51.2%
Joe Marshall– 10,914– 48.8%
Director No. 3
Dawn McCravey– 12,285 — 54%
B-Z Davis– 10,479– 46%
“I am pleased so many people in our community have voted to put kids first in this election. I am proud of my team’s effort in this race. We ran an honest race providing facts about current issues in education, the differences I have made in Northshore and hope to make in the future,” McCravey said.
Bothell annexation: ‘No’ — 52.2%; ‘Yes’ — 47.8% | Election 2011
After tonight's round of results released by Snohomish County elections, there are 2,376 no votes (52.2%) for Bothell annexation to 2,176 yes votes (47.8%) in the unincorporated Snohomish County North, East, West Bothell Annexation (NEWBA) area.