Billboards kick-off I-405 express toll lanes educational campaign

Drivers are getting their first glimpse of the Interstate 405 express toll lane billboards designed to help prepare them for changes coming to the Bellevue to Lynnwood corridor in September.

The following is a release from the Washington State Department of Transportation:

Drivers are getting their first glimpse of the Interstate 405 express toll lane billboards designed to help prepare them for changes coming to the Bellevue to Lynnwood corridor in September.

The first billboards aimed at commuters making 450,000 trips along the corridor each day have gone up. More educational efforts will follow in the coming weeks.

The Washington State Department of Transportation wants to educate the public about how express toll lanes will work as well as the changes for carpoolers, who will need to meet new occupancy requirements and have a Good To Go! Flex Pass to travel free.

“The changes coming with I-405 express toll lanes are exciting but it’s a significant change for the hundreds of thousands of drivers who use this road every day,” said WSDOT Assistant Secretary, Toll Division, Craig Stone. “We’ve reached out to a lot of people since starting our grassroots effort last fall, but with about a month to go, we are widening the reach.”

To pay a toll, non-carpools can use their current Good To Go! pass or get a bill in the mail at the higher Pay By Mail rate. However, to use the express toll lanes for free, carpools will need to get the new Good To Go! Flex Pass and have it set to HOV mode. When not carpooling, drivers can set the Flex Pass to TOLL mode to pay the lowest Good To Go! rate.

During weekday peak hours, from 5 a.m. to 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. to 7 p.m., carpools will need three or more people. During off-peak hours just two people are required.

“I-405 carpoolers will face the biggest changes with express toll lanes. Carpoolers will need to set up an account, get a Flex Pass installed, and make sure they have the right number of passengers to travel free,” said Stone. “If you’re a carpooler, please visit to set up your account and get your Flex Pass.”

The extensive I-405 educational campaign began in October 2014, and includes a speaker’s bureau, public involvement and social media messaging and the launch of

This month, drivers are seeing the first of several billboards with a message stating that “good news is about to travel fast, I-405 express toll lanes coming in September.” Transit buses may start displaying ads as early as this week.

More information will be shared in late August after WSDOT announces a specific opening date for I-405 express toll lanes. An exact date will be announced later this month once crews identify a completion date for signing and striping on the highway construction that is underway.