I am a parent of two boys at Fernwood Elementary in the north end of Northshore School District. I am also a home owner in a neighborhood adjoining the proposed high school site and despite the challenges that will bring, I am in favor of the upcoming 2014 bond and levies.
My day job as a real estate broker gives me a unique perspective as I work with many buyers comparing housing options within King and Snohomish County. Historically, homes within the Northshore School district have been considered more desirable and have fetched higher prices as a result. This is illustrated perfectly by two new housing developments in north Bothell off 180th, built by the same builder. Although just a block apart, these neighborhoods are serviced by two different school districts, one being Northshore. Based on my conversations with the listing agent and closing data, near identical homes located within the Northshore neighborhood sold for up to $15,000 more than those in the neighborhood serviced by the other. Simply put, today’s buyers see the value of Northshore schools and are willing to invest more.
The vote in February has potential to greatly impact our recovering housing market. While I can understand the desire to maintain current tax levels, as a homeowner I have to ask if it’s fiscally responsible to reject a fairly small tax increase and risk a much larger hit to property values not to mention the quality of education our children receive? If Northshore School District cannot effectively meet the demands of the growing student population, its overall reputation, and our property values, will most certainly suffer. In order to maintain the high level of excellence the public has come to expect from Northshore, I urge my fellow voters to consider the long-lasting, negative ramifications failure would have on our community and stand united in support of the upcoming bond and levies.
Finally, as a Fernwood parent for the past six years, I’ve witnessed the growing pains first hand but also the tremendous efforts of staff and teachers to address them with extreme care, always keeping the needs of the students in mind. For that, I’m grateful and want to thank Principal Dickert for his leadership in the face of these challenges. We are fortunate to have such talented educators and I hope we will all be able to breathe easier come February, knowing relief is on its way.
Stacy Rus, Bothell