I am a resident of Bothell, having lived here for the last 25 years, and I’ve noticed changes in the last five years that are undesirable. The current City Council has been focused on development, without providing the infrastructure to accommodate the additional traffic. They have not required new developments to create green spaces on a portion of their property, although that is common practice in other cities. Certain individuals on the council have questionable ethics, pursue their own hidden agenda and have not been held accountable for poor behavior.
We need people like Davina Duerr on the City Council. Davina Duerr has spent the last 10 years on the Landmark Preservation Board, serving as chair for eight years. This group was responsible for saving the W.A. Anderson building from demolition, as well as many other historic buildings in the city. Davina is also a licensed architect, so she has professional experience that can help evaluate new building designs. She co-founded the Milk Money Campaign, a grassroots fundraiser which has raised almost $27,000 in the last five years for homeless kids in the Northshore School District. She sees a need, and works toward filling it. She already has served the community for several years, and has the intelligence and experience we need on City Council. Please vote for Davina Duerr to help Bothell grow in the right direction.
Edie Lie, Bothell