Many issues that come before the Bothell City Council often originate through the Planning Commission. Like the City Council, the Planning Commission invites the public to comment on the issues. On Sept. 2, the Planning Commission is encouraging the public to attend a public hearing regarding changing the Bothell Municipal Code (the law) to make violations of the code a civil infraction, in other words, allowing the code compliance officer to issue monetary citations (tickets) for those who violate the code. At face value, that may seem like a reasonable idea with reasonable people in charge, and it would certainly be more convenient for the city to go after violators. But as was discussed at its last July 22 study session, other scenarios could unfold. Could the city give you a ticket for not mowing your lawn? Yes. Don’t claim you didn’t know. Ignorantia juris non excusat. Further, if the city adopts the International Property Maintenance Code (which is looking likely due to our antiquated 1997 code), you must “wash windows, have screens, paint your house,” and, yes, mow your lawn. See a detailed account of the meeting on under “issues,” and see if it’s worth your time to weigh in with the Planning Commission Sept. 2 before this idea heads to council.
Adam Brauch, Bothell