Sound Transit surprised by game?

Did you hear the one about how almost 67,000 people snuck into Qwest Field for a Sounders game and Sound Transit didn’t know about it?

After the game, just when I was thinking Seattle’s making it with mass transit, they proved they can’t handle a mass of only a few hundred people, and that rapid transit isn’t, as the “Sounder Express” (express what?) #550 Eastbound stop #D in the tunnel was so jammed, people gave up and stood in another line of a couple hundred upstairs waiting for regular surface bus service before evaporating to taxis (“green” ones, orange ones, any one that was leaving downtown). The transit authorities were entirely unable to find extra buses to handle “the surprise.” The representative they had there was unsupported and only had the solution of complaining to customer service. Maybe they’d cover taxi fare?

After waiting almost two hours and watching only three #550 buses come through, we caved and spent money on a taxi. I’m thinking Seattle Sounders FC needs to ask Sound Transit to change the name of the Sounder Express “service” so there’s no confusion about who’s lagging on the field.

Don Chase, Bothell