Several weeks ago arsonists torched the boardwalk leading from Kenmore Elementary to Wallace/Swamp Creek Park. The fire destroyed about 25 feet of the walkway over the wettest, boggiest part of the trail, making it impassable to walkers.
The elevated boardwalk was built as an Eagle Scout project by Bill Wilkens about five years ago.
Kenmore Elementary students use the path frequently to visit the park, extend their classroom learning and just enjoy and appreciate the natural beauty of the stream and park. The Kenmore Elementary Eco-Cubs Ecology Club uses the walkway and the park regularly to enhance their study of wetlands, ecosystems and environmental issues.
After the fire, Boy Scout Troop 582 responded immediately to the call for help. Wilkens, home for the holidays from college, organized four of his fellow Eagle Scouts to jump in and repair the walkway.
The work party took place on Dec. 15, probably the coldest, wettest, darkest day of the month. Bill and Rich Wilkens, Ryan Gilmore, Sam Fletcher, Will Reed and Connor McEnulty worked through the cold, wet afternoon, eventually finishing in the dark using headlamps.
“Do a good turn daily!”, the Scouting motto was lived this day by these fine young men.
The staff and students of Kenmore Elementary appreciate their hard work and are proud of our former students.
There is a $500 reward for information leading to the arrest of the arsonist(s).
Jill Stewart, Kenmore Elementary School teacher