A vote for Roz Gorc is a vote in a positive direction for the city of Bothell. We need a councilwoman who is optimistic about our new downtown, who is solution-focused and concerned with the divisive politics on the council.
Roz will bring people together, including people who disagree. She will find solutions that don’t include raising taxes. I don’t want to elect another incumbent who is in favor of raising property taxes. At a November council meeting, her incumbent opponent said, “I’m in full support of raising property taxes this year and every year.” That thinking is just wrong and will hurt Bothell.
Roz has a positive vision for the future of Bothell. She’s a soccer mom with four kids with managerial experience and a Director of Community Disaster Response. Roz is a fighter for optimism and a safe, bright future for our city. I know she’s out there knocking on doors throughout the entire city eager to meet you. When you meet her you’ll know she’s down to earth, bright, and ready to be a positive representative for our city. Vote Roz for city council.
Adam Brauch, Bothell