Rheaume said nothing when he had the chance | Letter

I would just like to say that Robert Tadlock’s letter to the editor regarding Roz Gorc could not be more misleading and dishonest.

I would just like to say that Robert Tadlock’s letter to the editor regarding Roz Gorc could not be more misleading and dishonest.

It was the incumbent Andy Rheaume who sat in an executive session and said nothing when the City Council refused to buy the Wayne Golf Course. Andy Rheaume said nothing to the citizens of Bothell for over a year while the golf course was sold to the highest bidder.

When asked about why he did nothing to stop its development, his only defense was he was “thinking in his head” he should have said something but didn’t.

Andy Rheaume had a chance to stop the development of the Wayne Golf Course and he failed miserably; for Tadlock to try to deflect Rheaume’s mistake to someone who wasn’t even on the council is ridiculous.

Kim Dill, Kenmore