My unhappines with the Kenmore City Council started when our late mayor appeared on Dave Ross. The city was trying…
The recent heatwave was the hugest one I’d been in. I’ve spent summers in the midwest, where it’s very humid,…
Did you hear the one about how almost 67,000 people snuck into Qwest Field for a Sounders game and Sound…
I am a parent at Canyon Creek Elementary. My fourth-grade daughter has struggled with reading, and has received services for…
Time for the voters to hold the Bothell City Council accountable for their voting themselves big benefits. When I e-mailed…
Let’s support local economy As a former 23-year resident of Bothell and employee of Bothell, I was amazed and disappointed…
How to deal with card-room closure? I’m not a big fan of gambling, but I don’t view it as a…
Kenmore City Council should be ashamed With the closing of Kenmore Lanes Casino yesterday, June 30, the City Council has…
I am searching for the families of five of your native sons that were lost in the Korean War. At…
It has come to my attention through some patients of mine that yet another community pool — Carole Ann Wald at St. Edward State Park — is threatened with closure. Speaking as a spine surgeon dealing with many complex conditions and patients, and as the director of the Spine Surgery Service at Harborview Medical Center, I am very disappointed with such a step.
I find it ironic that the book in question (“Persepolis”) about being banned or restricted is about the life of a young girl struggling in a country under an oppressive government that has morality police and strict government censorship. Mr. Francois, it is commendable you took time to hear the complaints. I hope you don’t have to spend more time on this because the budget issues in the district and state are the biggest threats to the education of our children. I hope you can spend most of your time on that.
Thank you for attending the Frederick & Nelson tea (Reporter Jan. 21). I truly appreciate it. You put together a great spread (and even caught me red handed with my cake!). This whole Frederick & Nelson thing really took off in a way I never imagined, and I’m grateful for your coverage.
The political battle for a balanced 2009-2011 state budget has begun. The elected participants define the high ground as each envisions it. Sound bytes flood the media (i.e. Seattle Times front page, Jan. 12). We particularly favor the bluntness of House Speaker Frank Chopp, “It’s important that we look at the budget both as a financial document and as a moral document as well.” As former nonprofit administrators, we believe he has nailed it. The battle will impact life and death realities. The depth of human need, statewide, this time around requires that we heed the speaker, “If we don’t handle this situation correctly, many people could die.”
Thank you for running your article on “Persepolis” last issue. Parents need to be informed of what’s going on in their children’s schools, and you’ve done a great job in spreading the word. I think that most parents who read the book would be concerned, and would question its use for eighth-graders. Why the Northshore School District would not be more responsive to the objections of so many parents is a mystery to me.
A standing ovation is in order for Bothell’s handling of the recent snowstorm. I was amazed how quickly and thoroughly the city’s team dealt with the tons of snow and ice on the roadways. The planners did an awesome job of making sure the money and resources were in place to deal with such a disaster, and the crews working the various trucks, plows and sanders were on top of the situation from the start.
City-council health-insurance issue revisited A city council can not increase their compensation without having to stand for re-election. However, a…
Chiming in on Kenmore city hall I’m usually “Mr. No” when it comes to Kenmore, but I can see some…
Opening the LID on Reporter story This is in response to the article titled “Hearings board upholds Fitzgerald development standards”…