Northshore teachers vote for a one-day walkout | Letter

I support our teachers and district staff as they seek to encourage the state legislature to fulfill its legal obligation to full fund education. I also support families who can be considered as part of our vulnerable population, for whom a one day walk-out by our teachers creates, not an inconvenience, but a hardship. I do not believe that the two concepts – supporting teachers and supporting families – is mutually exclusive.

I support our teachers and district staff as they seek to encourage the state legislature to fulfill its legal obligation to full fund education. I also support families who can be considered as part of our vulnerable population, for whom a one day walk-out by our teachers creates, not an inconvenience, but a hardship. I do not believe that the two concepts – supporting teachers and supporting families – is mutually exclusive.

It was my hope that the teachers would vote, not to close school for a day, but to “walkout” during their early release time, thus sparing those families any hardship, while still achieving their goal of drawing attention to the educational funding crisis in this state. I do not know whether or not that was presented to the teachers as an option.

The teachers have voted to approve a one day walkout. While I do not think that is the best way to get their point across, I do still support them in their struggle to get our legislators to “fix” the funding problems. I have reached out to families in my community who may need help on May 6 when the schools are closed for the day. I hope others will do the same. I also hope others will join me as I participate with the teachers in one of their afternoon rallies on May 6.

We are all in this together. You know, the whole “it takes a village” thing. We are that village! Let’s work together to support our teachers and school district staff, as well as the families in our community.

Berta Phillips, Bothell