McCravey belongs in Olympia | Letter

Local union leader, Tim Brittell, has complained bitterly about (Legislative District 1 candidate) Dawn McCravey's tenure on the Northshore School Board in this paper. He states, "...her 'My Way or the Highway' attitude, and her advocacy for the latest education fads (instead of dialoging with actual classroom teachers about what’s working and not working) has been an obstacle."

Local union leader, Tim Brittell, has complained bitterly about (Legislative District 1 candidate) Dawn McCravey’s tenure on the Northshore School Board in this paper. He states, “…her ‘My Way or the Highway’ attitude, and her advocacy for the latest education fads (instead of dialoging with actual classroom teachers about what’s working and not working) has been an obstacle.”

My perspective as a parent in the district could not be more different.

That “My Way or the Highway” attitude that so offends Mr. Brittell was really just the introduction of an independent voice — who was willing to listen to parents and community members — and challenge the status quo.

School boards are supposed to reflect the community. Discussions should involve multiple perspectives. The demand that everyone on the board speak in one unified voice is ludicrous.

Some of the worst mistakes the board made came as a result of members failing in their duty to provide real leadership by actively engaging in discussions about important issues rather than blindly following the administration’s lead.

As a taxpayer in the district, I want the school board to respect the perspective of the union (which Mr. Brittell represents) and the administration — but I certainly don’t want the union to sit on both sides of the negotiating table!

The union has thrown its full support behind Rosemary McAuliffe — because she votes their platform. My problem with that is that the union platform does not always put students first. For example, it does not allow for removal of ineffective teachers.

Nearly every voter has direct, personal experience with the strengths and weaknesses of public schools. My own kids have had many fantastic teachers who deserve every union-negoiated benefit they have and then some. But I’ve also watched my tax dollars go to pay the salary of a teacher who clearly calculated the minimum effort required to avoid losing his job. (Trust me — it was a very low level, indeed.)

That sort of education fraud (taking a salary, but not performing the work in any kind of effective manner) is not just a huge waste of money — it is also destructive to the bored, frustrated students who are forced to waste their time with busy work all year.

Dawn McCravey supports teachers, librarians, nurses and para-educators — because these are the professionals who make our schools strong. However, she is not a union-supported representative. That means when issues that put the best interest of students in conflict with the interests of those few (but expensive and damaging) ineffective teachers — Dawn puts students first.

We need people like Dawn McCravey in Olympia.

Teri Patrick