Everyone should enjoy their own creativity | Letter

The Dec. 20th article in the Bothell/Kenmore Reporter may continue to mislead parents and students about STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math in education).

The Dec. 20th article in the Bothell/Kenmore Reporter may continue to mislead parents and students about STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math in education). The most important word is missing – creativity. It should be clearly recognized that the STEM focus is on tools. However, tools themselves are of little value without a starting the idea and that comes from creativity. This is what future education should be emphasizing. Wonderfully, every person already has  this capability and it only has to be released and encouraged. That is what every youngster and the parents should realize. Students can be creative and innovate their own ideas successfully in life without being good at math, chemistry or physics. This is underscored by the motto of UW Bothell seen on local billboards “Inspiring through Creativity & Innovation” not “Inspiring through STEM.”

Graham Allan, Kenmore