Bothell 228th Street Southeast traffic, Part 2 | Letter

Thank you, Tom Dowd, for your letter in the Aug. 3 Bothell Reporter reinforcing my suggestion that "something" needs to be done to eliminate this traffic boggle.

Thank you, Tom Dowd, for your letter in the Aug. 3 Bothell Reporter reinforcing my suggestion that “something” needs to be done to eliminate this traffic boggle.

I have been trying to convince different officials (Bothell and SnoCo) to do what you also suggest: making this intersection —  eastbound 228th Street Southeast and Bothell-Everett Highway — a two-lane left turn to northbound Bothell-Everett Highway/State Route 527.

In 2009, I spoke with Seyed Safavian (head of the Bothell Transportation Department).

If my memory serves correctly, he suggested that this was a SnoCo problem; the SnoCo Public Works Department, in a response from Dave Gossett (Councilmember of District 4), indicated that they were not involved because it was inside the city of Bothell.

There was also a “study” that was supposed to have been done that has never surfaced.

Subsequently, Dave Gossett has been very responsive in answering my emails, in which I suggest that this problem is not getting any better — in fact, worse.

As an example, his response dated Jan. 13, 2011:

“Sorry for the delay in replying, but I needed to pull out my file and check with staff to refresh my memory on the details.  The department informs me that while traffic analysis has been done on the intersection, there is no report.  The solution you suggested was looked at, and it was concluded it would not produce the desired results.  If there is anything in writing I will get it and forward it to you.

While the county operates the signal under an interlocal agreement, the intersection is in the City of Bothell and they would be ultimately responsible for any changes.  You might contact them again.”

My latest email contact with Dave Gossett was May 17, 2012.  He asked for some examples of double left-turn lanes and I took some digital pictures of intersections in Woodinville and emailed them to him.

Like you, I see this as a relatively simple solution to a problem that is not going to go away until the powers that be work together, change the signage and reprogram the traffic signals.

If that does not solve the problem of relieving the traffic backup, I would be surprised and they can do something more complex and costly.

George Benjaminson