Astounded at letter writer’s lack of knowledge on abortion | Letter

Cathy Ferbrache-Garrand’s comment (in her letter) is astounding. She was appalled that Dawn McCravey described late-term abortion “as the dismemberment of a baby.”

Cathy Ferbrache-Garrand’s comment (in her letter) is astounding. She was appalled that Dawn McCravey described late-term abortion “as the dismemberment of a baby.” I am appalled that Cathy does not know what late-term abortion is, not to mention early and mid-term abortion! She needs to go into an abortion clinic, or to her own gynecologist, to be educated. The reason I cannot vote for Rosemary McAuliffe, despite the fact that my teacher’s union thinks no one is better, is precisely because she represents a political party that cannot admit that abortion is killing an innocent life. My friends have not wept over the death of their unborn fetus – they’ve wept over their unborn babies that died in the womb unexpectedly. And many women, post-abortion have wept, as well, because they knew they ended a life. Fortunately, there are support groups for them. But there is no support for the millions of babies who die because women want a “choice.”

We serve children in our district who have been abused and neglected, but teachers, principals, social workers and clergy can give them hope. And the good news is, they are alive to experience that hope!

Oh, and by the way, climate change is the new buzz word because global warming was discredited after it was revealed that faulty science was perpetrated on a gullible public. (Cathy couldn’t believe Dawn didn’t believe in climate change as a fact.)

Kathy Peterson, Bothell