Make it two years straight for Inglemoor High’s DECA team taking first place in the nation.
More than 15,000 high-school marketing/DECA students from all 50 states, Canada, Germany, Puerto Rico and Guam traveled to Orlando, Fla., April 28 to May 4 to compete for one of the 350 national DECA awards. At the 65th Annual International Career and Development Conference, there are 35 different business/marketing events where students are asked to write business reports on a specific business or solve case studies.
Inglemoor traveled with 40 competitors, with 25 earning top 10 or higher and 29 being recognized on stage. Here’s a list of the top winners:
1st Place – Misha Olynyk in Quick Serve Restaurant
1st Place – Dan Johnson in Restaurant & Food Service
1st Place – Josh Wy in Retail Merchandising
1st Place – Jordan Alfaro in Entrepreneurship Franchise
2nd Place – Audrey Greathouse in Hotel and Lodging
2nd Place – Angela Fatigati and Christian DeKay, in Hospitality Services
2nd Place – Peter Meiusi and Armando Melendez in Travel and Tourism
Inglemoor earned 18 of the 350 nationally recognized awards.
“The event requires that each student demonstrate proficiency in solving business situations in selected career path industries,” Alfaro said.
During a student’s 10-15-minute presentation, the “pressure is on to cover the marketing performance indicators as completely and professionally as possible,” said Inglemoor DECA adviser Dennis Rockwood. He goes on to explain, “Students at a national conference need to be at his/her peak in health, attitude, business knowledge, interpersonal skills and communication skills. Competition at this level demands nothing less than excellent performances and industry specific proficiency.”