The Washington State Medical Association (WSMA) is extremely disappointed that state legislators have failed to pass legislation removing the personal/philosophical vaccine exemption (House Bill 2009). Given Washington state’s nationally low vaccination rates, this bill was our best opportunity for elected officials to rise above politics on this serious public health issue — all but guaranteeing that many of our state’s children will remain at risk for outbreaks of preventable diseases such as measles and whooping cough.
Data from 2013-14 show our state’s vaccination rate for kindergarten-age children still remains below the 90 percent federal baseline for preventing outbreaks. Nearly nine out of 10 children with non-medical exemptions claimed personal/philosophical reasons. Low vaccination rates not only place the child without the vaccination at risk but also endanger children who cannot get vaccinations due to medical reasons or those who are too young to get vaccinations.
The WSMA applauded state lawmakers in 2011 after passing a bill requiring those seeking exemptions for their children to consult a licensed physician.
By failing to pass this legislation, lawmakers have missed an opportunity to take the next step to bring our state’s vaccinations in line with national target vaccination rates and protect our children.
WSMA members overwhelmingly supported the elimination of personal and philosophical vaccine exemptions for school, child care and preschool immunization requirements at the association’s 2014 annual meeting. This bill had the support of the WSMA, Gov. Inslee, the state Department of Health and other public health agencies and experts.
As the state medical association, our mission is centered on making Washington the best place to practice medicine and receive care. The WSMA will continue to encourage patients to get their recommended vaccinations and will look to next year’s session to push this issue forward on behalf of our patients and our state’s communities.
Brian Seppi, MD., is president of the Washington State Medical Association, which represents physicians, physician assistants, residents and medical students throughout Washington. He is an internist and medical director at Providence Medical Group in Spokane.